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信息来源: | 发布日期: 2012-12-04 00:00:00 | 浏览量:1417324


KS桨叶干燥机,污泥及副产品干燥 KS桨叶干燥机干燥产生干燥稳定的产品品种的污泥和产品,降低处置成本和将废物转化为适销对路的产品,全球范围内使用...

译文:KS桨叶干燥机,污泥及副产品干燥 KS桨叶干燥机干燥产生干燥稳定的产品品种的污泥和产品,降低处置成本和将废物转化为适销对路的产品,全球范围内使用。干燥也允许一些废物被用作燃料。



K-S PADDLE DRYER FOR SLUDGE AND BY-PRODUCTS DRYING The K-S Paddle Dryer is used worldwide for drying a variety of sludges and by-products, generating dry stable products reducing disposal cost and converting waste into marketable by-products. Drying also allows some wastes to be used as fuel.

Dual counter rotating shafts with unique intermeshing wedge shaped paddles produce uniform heating and high heat transfer rates. The use of hollow paddles for heat transfer results in a compact machine. Indirectly heated with steam or recirculated thermal fluid (hot oil) the K-S Paddle Dryer has a thermal efficiency of approximately 98%. Non-condensable gas from the dryer that might require treatment for odors is minimal.

译文:应用: 机械脱水后,进一步减轻重量和热加工(干燥)的污泥,污泥,和副产物可以通过以下方式获得稳定的产品。 KS化工厂,石化厂,炼油厂,制药厂,食品加工厂,玉米湿磨工厂,乙醇设施,金属加工/整理厂,选矿厂,以及纸浆和造纸厂的经验。

达到90 +%的干燥固体(99 +%,如果需要的话) 实现中级干燥堆肥或焚烧 生产稳定,适销对路的产品 降低处置成本 提高燃油值 再加工残余物和尾矿 去除有害的挥发性有机化合物(热脱附) 生物污泥(污泥,废活性污泥(WAS)或生物固体) 生物污泥脱水,很难在堆填区处理的问题。热干燥污泥到第90 +%是可能的。此应用程序的详细信息KS生物固体干燥

初级沉淀池污泥和混合污泥 许多工厂生产初级污泥沉淀过程。这些淤泥可能会产生沉淀物的化学反应的结果。这种污泥可共混与二级生物污泥的较小部分。的机会是Komline - 桑德森的经验与您的污泥


金属氢氧化物滤饼,滤饼金属硫化物,氧化物和金属加工/加工植物和矿物处理厂的尾矿可与KS桨叶干燥机干燥。如果回收的金属是必须要做的,然后干燥,<1%(99 +%的干固物)所需的非常低的含水量。如果填土正在考虑中的80至85%干度,建议,如机材料可能会对多尘


纸浆和造纸污泥 大多数工厂融合了小学和中学的污泥。 KS建议的污泥分离,所以硬盘的脱水污泥进行脱水和KS桨叶干燥机中干燥。这允许主纤维污泥脱水与一个螺旋压榨机的高固体浓度。这种方法也导致化学空调成本大大降低。配煤90 +%的干燥固体二次污泥与主污泥饼产生一个高品质的燃料的锅炉


原文:After mechanical dewatering, further weight reduction and stable products can be obtained by thermal processing (drying) sludges, biosesolids, and by-products. K-S has experience in chemical plants, petrochemical plants, refineries, pharmaceutical plants, food processing plants, corn wet milling plants, ethanol facilities, metal processing/finishing plants, mineral processing plants, and pulp & paper mills.

Achieve 90+% dry solids (99+% if desired) Achieve intermediate dryness for composting or incineration Produce stable and marketable products Reduce disposal cost Increase fuel value Re-process residuals and tailings Removal of hazardous volatile organic compounds (thermal desorption) Biological sludge (secondary sludge, waste activated sludge (WAS) or biosesolids) Biological sludge is difficult to dewater, creating disposal problems at landfills. Thermal drying the sludge to 90+% is possible. For details on this application go to K-S Biosesolids Dryer

Primary clarifier sludge and blended sludge Many industrial plants produce primary sludge from a settling process. These sludges may be the result of chemical reactions that produce precipitates. This sludge may be blended with a smaller portion of secondary biological sludge. Chances are Komline-Sanderson has experience with your sludge

Meat/poultry processing, Gelatin plant waste can be dried to produce stable by-products.

Metal Hydroxide filter cakes, metal sulfide filter cakes, oxides and tailings from metal processing/finishing plants and mineral processing plants can be dried with the K-S Paddle Dryer. If reclamation of the metal is to be done then drying to very low moistures <1% (99+% dry solids) is desired. If land filling is being considered dryness of 80 to 85 % is suggested, as dryer material might be dusty

Soil remediation processes benefit from the removal of water and volatile organic material prior to more costly high temperature processes. This is referred to as thermal desorption

Pulp and paper mill sludge Most mills blend the primary and secondary sludge. K-S recommends segregation of the sludges so the hard to dewater secondary sludge is dewatered separately and dried in the K-S Paddle Dryer. This allows dewatering of the primary fibrous sludge to a high solids concentration with a screw press. This approach also results in greatly reduced chemical conditioning cost. Blending 90+% dry solids secondary sludge with the primary sludge cake produces a high quality fuel for the boilers

De-inking mill sludges containing fine fiber, fillers and ink are ideal for the K-S Paddle Dryer. Dried to 60 to 70 % ds this material is an excellent landfill capping material.



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